Saturday, September 6, 2014

Take Your Hair off th Grill!!!

Even though your flat iron rheostat may say 400 is the highest, that is only the temperature that each plate is when it is open.   The moment you clamp hair between the two plates, the temperature can spike upwards of 500 degrees! Hair is a fabric, and just like when you are ironing a piece of clothing, it’s a good idea to use the appropriate setting for the kind of fabric you are ironing.  400 degrees is usually sufficient for most textures of hair.  I set the rheostat on 360 and count on the closing of the plates together to increase the heat no more than 420.  If you are taking small enough sections, you will evenly distribute the heat to the hair, but if you take large sections, the hair that is sandwiched in the middle never gets enough heat, and the strands direcliy touching the plates gets too much heat.   This kind of negligence leads to crunchy, crispy and split ends especially mid-shaft. Take thinner sections, take your time and move the iron at a moderate pace down the strand.  And Remember.... the finest protection starts with EnCore Leave In Conditioner.  A bit of Taffy or Simply Straight refines the shine and adds more protection from the heat AND from the humidity!  Following up with SpotLite Shine is essential to replenish.

Remember when you shampoo the next time, always use RoMANce Deep Conditioning Treatment, whether you think you need it or not, to nourish the inner cortex of the strand since the iron removes enormous moisture from the hair to maintain its straightness.

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